Hi, I’m Michelle cicirello.
As a former teacher and non-profit executive, I spent over 15 years honing the skills of organization and productivity. Nothing could have more finely tuned those skills than becoming a mother of two. I find enjoyment in organizing spaces and schedules, and I truly believe that life is much richer and more fulfilling without physical and mental clutter.
Being kind to the Earth is something I try to incorporate into everything I do, and organizing is no exception.
I am a professional member of NAPO (National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals), former Director of Professional Development on the Board of the NAPO Chicago chapter, and an avid student of the robust continuing education provided by NAPO University. I currently serve as the DEI lead for NAPO Chicago, LSC Secretary of my local elementary school, and President of the PTO.
I look forward to helping you streamline your spaces and systems and find clarity during challenging life transitions.